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27 apr 20190 minuten om te lezen
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22 apr 20190 minuten om te lezen
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10 mrt 20191 minuten om te lezen
Lofoten Islands Feb. 2019 in 12 pano's
An impression of the Lofoten Islands in February 2019. One week of coulourful sunsets, incredible light, snow storms, a serious hurricane...
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2 mrt 20191 minuten om te lezen
The majestic Sea Eagle pin sharp
The Sea Eagle in action. The majestic bird with a span of more then 2 meters catching a fish. The D850 in burst mode with the 70-200 on...
61 weergaven0 opmerkingen
26 feb 20191 minuten om te lezen
Aurora Borealis and Milky Way
Just back from one week shooting on the Lofoten Islands in Norway. If God created Paradise, he definately started here in wintertime....
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21 jan 20191 minuten om te lezen
Aurora Borealis
Over een paar weken ga ik weer. Na een machtig mooie week in 2018 in Tromso met als hoogtepunt een KP6, ga ik dit keer een week naar de...
75 weergaven0 opmerkingen
15 dec 20181 minuten om te lezen
New website is live
After more 3000 visits on my old website, its really time for an upgrade. On 1st January 2019, my new website goes live.
25 weergaven0 opmerkingen
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